Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy carefully outlines how Immediate Bitmasters collects and processes any data our users share with us while browsing this website. Immediate Bitmasters only collects the amount of data that is essential for the fulfilment of our services or meeting any other legitimate interests we may have in data collection, provided they do not violate the user’s rights to privacy. All of our data collection and processing activities are in line with the GDPR and other applicable data protection legislation.


Aim of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy offers an explanation as to how Immediate Bitmasters collects, handles, and protects any Personal Data belonging to our users, in addition to an overview of the customer’s data protection rights.

All legal terminology we use in this Policy should be interpreted according to the definitions provided below:


  • Personal Data: According to Article 4(1) of the GDPR, all data that refers to an identifiable physical person. The latter is someone whose identity can be confirmed through factors like name, ID, physical address, IP address or other criteria related to that person’s background that can be used to identify them.
  • Data Controller: The party responsible for deciding what Personal Data can be collected from users and in what manner, in this case, Immediate Bitmasters.
  • Data Processor: A separate legal entity or multiple entities assigned by the Data Controller to process the Personal Data collected.
  • Processing of Personal Data: Any operation involving the user’s Personal Data, such as its collection, storage, amendment, transfer, erasure, and so forth.
  • GDPR: REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

How Is Personal Data Collected?

Immediate Bitmasters requires the provision of some Personal Data from users in order to deliver the services it promises and maintain its business. Data is collected in the following manners:

  • The client provides some data willingly when using Immediate Bitmasters:

Customers directly and consensually supply Personal Data to us on a daily basis while interacting with our website. Most commonly, this occurs when a user requests a service, for instance, account registration. When they fill in the opt-in form to open an account, they give Immediate Bitmasters consent to collect and process the data provided.

  • The user might offer additional data in direct correspondence with Immediate Bitmasters:

In situations where the client communicates with Immediate Bitmasters, they inadvertently share some Personal Data with us. Nevertheless, if the user supplies more data than is necessary for the fulfilment of the service they have requested, Immediate Bitmasters will not process it. Only the minimum data necessary is collected and processed.

  • The Immediate Bitmasters website may gather more information through the use of cookies and similar means:

We may collect more data about our user’s behaviour while browsing Immediate Bitmasters through cookies, for instance. Immediate Bitmasters uses this information to study group customer segments, not to identify individuals.

How Is Personal Data Processed?

Immediate Bitmasters respects the GDPR and all other relevant data protection laws. As such, we only collect enough data to ensure the smooth operation of our website and our ability to provide the services advertised on Immediate Bitmasters.

We have the following reasons to collect user data:

  • Contract fulfilment: Immediate Bitmasters needs some data from its users when they request a particular service. For example, creating an account is not possible if the user does not share the contact details the account needs to be attributed to with Immediate Bitmasters.
  • Legal prerequisite: Some privacy legislation, such as the GDPR, obligates Data Collectors to gather certain information about their customers.
  • Legitimate interest: Immediate Bitmasters might collect additional data from its clients if it can state a legitimate reason for doing so, which is not in violation of the user’s rights to privacy. The user’s data may be processed to address the Data Controller’s stated interest, unless the user feels that their right to privacy overrides the reason stated. In that case, the client can contest Immediate Bitmasters’s reasons and interrupt our collection of their data.
  • Consensual collection: Immediate Bitmasters may request additional data from its users but will ask for their informed, explicit consent beforehand. Only the data users have agreed to provide will be collected.

Users must heed the distinction between Data Collector and Data Processor. Immediate Bitmasters is the Data Collector but not the Data Processor. Thus, we do not keep our users’ data on our servers since we do not need to use it. During account registration with Immediate Bitmasters, the customer is asked to provide their consent to Immediate Bitmasters sharing their data with third-party brokers, who act as Data Processors. The brokerage our platform matches you with is the one that will store and process your details.

As a result, if they have any concerns or questions regarding data processing, users must speak directly to the broker we have paired them with.

Grounds for Personal Data Processing

Immediate Bitmasters works only with the lowest amount of data that is required for the proper functioning of our platform. In particular, we need to process your data to accomplish the following:

  • Account creation: When you create a new account, we need to process your data as part of the sign-up process.
  • Communication with the customer: Immediate Bitmasters also needs to process your data to communicate with you. In the most practical sense, if you reached out via our Contact form and consensually provided your contact information, we must process it in order to reply to your request.
  • Marketing: Customers have the option of consenting to receive special marketing offers that we consider might be of interest to them. Your data will be processed if you have agreed to receive such messages.
  • Website optimisation: Immediate Bitmasters may also need to process your data to study the performance of our website and content. We do this to discover potential areas for improvement on Immediate Bitmasters and bring you a more polished browsing experience in the future.

Data Collection via Cookies

The Immediate Bitmasters website uses cookies. They help us tell our clients apart, so we may save your individual preferences, customise your experience, measure the performance of our website, or identify potential problems with our pages and content. You can learn more in our Cookie Policy.

You will find three main varieties of cookies on Immediate Bitmasters.

Functional Cookies

These cookies are essential to our website’s functioning. They enable services such as remembering your login information or using auto-fill suggestions when filling in our forms. If you disable these cookies, your experience with our website may be severely impacted.

Google Analytics Cookies

Furthermore, Immediate Bitmasters uses Google Analytics cookies to gather deeper insight into the statistics and performance of our website. Though these cookies are not essential, they are of high importance to us, as they can reveal what aspects of Immediate Bitmasters can be improved.

Third-party Cookies

Clients may also encounter cookies that belong to our third-party affiliated partners. They help customise your experience by establishing a connection between our websites.

How Do We Store Personal Data?

Immediate Bitmasters does not store users’ Personal Data. During account registration, we ask for your permission to send your data to a third-party financial broker, who then acts as a Data Processor. If you provide your consent and proceed with the sign-up process, we send your information to an automatically-assigned brokerage from our list of affiliate partners.

The broker Immediate Bitmasters pairs you with is the one who stores and processes your data. They conduct these operations in accordance with the GDPR or other privacy legislation applicable to the customer’s individual case.

Nevertheless, we strongly encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policy of your assigned brokerage.

Protecting Your Data

Our highly professional team remains committed to safeguarding the customers’ Personal Data and adheres to rigorous security policies in place to protect our users. Thus, our website is as secure as current technological advancement allows to ensure a safe browsing experience for all clients. Furthermore, Immediate Bitmasters will never share your data with unauthorised third parties. If we are legally required to give a third party access to your data, we shall inform you in advance and ask for your consent.

According to our company’s policies, all of our employees are under non-disclosure agreements and have an obligation not to disclose your data to anyone. Moreover, our workflow is structured in a way for your data to be exposed only to the minimum number of people necessary for the fulfilment of our services.

In rare circumstances, Immediate Bitmasters may receive a request for access to your data by the authorities or other third parties, which are within their rights to make such a request. For instance, if a user is being investigated by the police or other authorities and the data Immediate Bitmasters has collected about them could aid the investigation, that would be a legitimate request.

However, Immediate Bitmasters shall be extremely cautious every time we receive such requests. Our team will carefully review the circumstances and the applicable laws to determine whether we are obligated to divulge the requested information. If we deem that Immediate Bitmasters is not under such an obligation and that such data sharing would violate your privacy rights, we reserve our right to refuse such requests for access to your Personal Data. Nevertheless, if the request is legitimate and the law demands our cooperation, we would be obligated to comply.

Personal Data Sharing

If Immediate Bitmasters needs to share your Personal Data with a third party, we shall always ask for your informed consent. We will not share any of your data without your permission.

Please note that the Data Processors Immediate Bitmasters works with will handle your data according to their own privacy policies, which you can find on their websites. In addition, more than one Data Processor may have access to your data. Some third-party Data Processors include the hosting company whose services we use and our affiliate partners to whom we send your data upon registration.

All Personal Data sharing is carried out according to all applicable legal guidelines and data protection laws.

Your Data Protection Rights

All website users have several crucial rights guaranteed by the GDPR or equivalent data protection laws:

  • The right to subject access: Users have the right to request access to any data the Data Collector has gathered about them.
  • The right to rectification: If the customer feels that some of their data was recorded incorrectly, or if they want to update their information, they can ask the Data Controller to amend their records.
  • The right to restriction: In certain cases, clients have the right to ask the Data Controller to limit access to some of their data, restricting the information available for processing.
  • The right to transfer: Customers can ask the Data Controller to send their data to a third party of their choosing.
  • The right to deletion: Users can also ask the Data Controller to delete all information they have gathered about them. In this case, Immediate Bitmasters will also reach out to the Data Processors involved and notify them that you have requested that your data be deleted.
  • The right to complain: The client has the right to lodge a formal complaint with the respective data protection authority in their country if they feel that their data has been collected or processed in ways that violate their rights.

Moreover, Immediate Bitmasters users can also:

  • Withhold consent and refuse to allow Immediate Bitmasters to collect their data;
  • Dispute Immediate Bitmasters’s legitimate interest grounds for data collection if they can prove to a legally satisfactory degree that their data protection rights override the reasons for data collection stated by Immediate Bitmasters.

Immediate Bitmasters remains open to questions and other inquiries regarding data collection and processing on our website. Please use the Contact form to reach us if you need further clarifications.


Immediate Bitmasters reserves the right to change or update any of our website content, the present Privacy Policy included. It is the user’s responsibility to regularly check our terms and policies for any changes. All amendments become valid from the moment they are published on our site. Your continued use of Immediate Bitmasters represents consent to any changes made.