Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions Agreement guides how users should interact with Immediate Bitmasters, the owner of this website. This Agreement extends to all pages within this website and any other web resources that Immediate Bitmasters owns or manages. Every site user is obligated to follow the terms of use hereby stipulated.



All site visitors are required to follow these Terms and Conditions while browsing Immediate Bitmasters. If there is any part of this Agreement you disagree with, you need to stop using our website immediately. Should you continue to use Immediate Bitmasters, your usage will be interpreted as informed consent to these Terms.


For the purposes of this Agreement, you may see us refer to Immediate Bitmasters also with any first-person pronouns or terms such as “this website” and more. As for our customers, we might refer to you as “users” and related vocabulary, as well as second-person pronouns like “you” or “your(s).”

Age Requirements

Since minors cannot provide consent or enter into contractual agreements, Immediate Bitmasters is not suitable for them. You must be of legal age (18, 21, or other, based on your local jurisdiction) to employ our services. Discontinue using Immediate Bitmasters if you are a minor.

Last updated: April 18, 2023.

Risk Disclaimer

Purpose of Immediate Bitmasters

Be aware that our company is not a financial broker and does not offer financial or payment processing services. Moreover, we do not develop any trading platforms or software. Immediate Bitmasters is also not a registered market expert and is not qualified to provide investment or financial advice of any kind.

Scope of Services

The sole purpose of Immediate Bitmasters is to offer marketing services to affiliated brokers by directing prospective traders to them. The third-party brokerages we have partnered with offer a wide range of financial services through which you can potentially invest in different assets or pursue other commercial ventures. Immediate Bitmasters’s role is to inform you about these companies and their services, and connect you to them upon registration. Availing of these brokers’ services and engaging in any form of investment or trading is at the client’s discretion and falls strictly outside the scope of Immediate Bitmasters’s services.

Deciding whether to pursue a trading or investment venture with our partners is up to the user. If you decide to proceed, do your due diligence and carry out adequate research into the company we pair you with to determine whether they are legally allowed to offer their services in your country of residence.

All investments pose a risk to your capital. All results from your trading activity, whether positive or negative, are attributed to you alone. Immediate Bitmasters is not responsible for any outcomes from your financial activities.


We have partnerships with multiple such brokerages who are active in various parts of the world, and our algorithm assigns users to them automatically. Immediate Bitmasters receives commission fees from these brokers for successful client referrals, a practice known as affiliate marketing.

Website Content

Our website provides some information about the financial and cryptocurrency markets that can potentially serve as an introduction to the field. However, this content is not intended as investment advice and cannot be used as grounds for making any trading or investment decisions.

Furthermore, Immediate Bitmasters cannot provide any assurances regarding the content’s accuracy, truthfulness, completeness or relevance at the user’s time of browsing. Due to the market’s unpredictable, volatile nature, we may not be able to update our website content to reflect the latest state of the market.

All investment decisions are your own and are in no way the responsibility of Immediate Bitmasters.

Local Restrictions

Though our website might be accessible from most countries around the globe, be aware that cryptocurrency trading is subject to local regulations. Immediate Bitmasters does not offer its services to clients in the United Kingdom, where the marketing of cryptocurrency-based CFDs is restricted by PS 20/10 of the Financial Conduct Authority. Customers from the United States and parts of Canada might also be unable to use our services. Other restrictions may apply in different regions. It is the client’s responsibility to learn what the legal guidelines are in their country and determine whether our services are suitable.

Affiliate Disclaimer

Immediate Bitmasters occasionally includes links to third-party services or products on our website. When clients follow such links and make a purchase, we receive a commission from the third party that owns the respective website. Following our affiliate links does not add any extra charges to the costs of goods and services to you.

Clients understand that Immediate Bitmasters is in no way liable for any losses or damages they may suffer after using our affiliate links. Immediate Bitmasters’s commission is not tied to any particular outcome from the user’s trading activity.

Use of the Immediate Bitmasters Website

Interruptions of Service

Immediate Bitmasters remains committed to offering high-quality services and a seamless browsing experience. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that users will not run into the occasional technical issue or interruption of service.

Errors and problems like that might arise unexpectedly, for which our team would need to conduct emergency maintenance in order to resolve the issue. In addition, we may also carry out scheduled maintenance to make improvements to our website to deliver a better browsing experience in the future. During such times, access to Immediate Bitmasters might be limited.

While Immediate Bitmasters shall try to keep clients informed about upcoming planned interruptions of service, we reserve the right to carry out maintenance or limit access to our website for other reasons without notifying users in advance.

Links to Third-Party Resources

Immediate Bitmasters may sometimes include links to third-party websites to provide further information that may be of interest to our clients. All such resources are purely informational. Immediate Bitmasters does not maintain to have verified the third-party resources we link to and makes no guarantees regarding their relevance, accuracy or factual truthfulness. Users are advised to do additional research and always verify the information they see on such websites themselves.

In addition, we shall not be responsible for any damages or losses, both directly or indirectly caused by technical errors on our website or the third-party sites we may hyperlink to or by using the content provided therein.

Content Changes

Furthermore, Immediate Bitmasters is within its rights to update, delete, or modify any content on its website, including the present Terms and Conditions Agreement, with or without prior notice. The changes we make come into effect as soon as they are published on our website. It is your responsibility to regularly read through our website content and familiarise yourself with its latest version. If you continue to use Immediate Bitmasters, it will be considered as informed consent to any content or policy changes made.

Intellectual Property

All of the content on the Immediate Bitmasters website and its subsites, including but not limited to text, code, images, videos, audio, and more, is our intellectual property, except in cases where we have disclosed a third-party source. Site users are prohibited from copying, disseminating, or attempting to change our safeguarded content, whether for compensation or for free.

Anyone wishing to use our intellectual property must reach out to Immediate Bitmasters in advance to secure our written consent. We reserve the right to decline your request for cooperation.

Clients are permitted to print out the content on the Immediate Bitmasters website for their own usage.

Exemption of Liability

Immediate Bitmasters will not be held responsible for losses or damages that might stem from the following:Interruptions in the access to our website or running into other technical problems on Immediate Bitmasters;The use of our site, third-party sites we link to, and their contents;Factual, typographical or other mistakes on Immediate Bitmasters and any third-party websites we link to.


Clients are welcome to come to us with any questions, comments, or concerns about Immediate Bitmasters and the use of our website and services. Please use the Contact form to communicate with us.

Cookie Use

This section briefly covers the use of cookies on Immediate Bitmasters. For more information on this issue, see our in-depth Cookie Policy.

Like any other modern website, Immediate Bitmasters relies on cookies to facilitate certain services and measure website performance. Cookies are small files composed of text and numbers which serve as identifiers for each unique site visitor. Our servers generate them upon your first visit to Immediate Bitmasters. Afterwards, these files are stored on your device and used to identify you when you visit us again.

We mainly use three types of cookies:

Essential cookies

These permanent cookies are responsible for enabling services such as auto-fill on forms, remembering your login information, and more. Thus, they are essential to a smooth browsing experience. If you disable them, some aspects of Immediate Bitmasters will be unavailable to you, and you might not experience our website in the intended manner.

Google Analytics cookies

Google Analytics cookies are not essential. Nevertheless, they offer valuable insights into the technical performance of our website. They can tell us more about what content our users interact with and what their preferences are. Using that information, we can plan future improvements to our website and deliver a service better tailored to your interests.

Third-party cookies

Clients may also run into cookies placed on our site by our third-party partners.

Though we highly recommend you agree to Immediate Bitmasters’s use of cookies, it is your right to refuse to do so. You can decline cookies in the pop-up window on your initial visit to Immediate Bitmasters or disable them directly from your browser settings.

Legal Compliance

All users agree to follow the Terms and Conditions outlined above, alongside all relevant laws in their country of residence. Furthermore, we ask our customers to adhere to proper online etiquette and refrain from using derogatory language when communicating with Immediate Bitmasters or other site visitors. You are also not allowed to publish any harmful materials, including malware and viruses or links to such.

If we detect any breaches of this Agreement or suspect that a crime was committed while using Immediate Bitmasters, we shall take corresponding measures. If necessary, we shall notify the responsible authorities and cooperate in their investigations.